If there is a sure sign that being college educated doesn't always equal smart, it's the first of these outfit pictures. I don't know what was going through my mind, but I took about 30 pictures of me standing BACK-LIT by the sun. Which really makes for a stunning display of the road and a shadowy mess of my outfit. Keeping with my trend of smart thinking, I didn't preview my pictures before I came inside and changed into boxers in preparation for my imminent nap. So apologies for the shoddy graininess of the full-length shot in this post!
I have been burning through my medium format film in my Holga the past few days. I have one roll already done and only a few pictures left in the one left in the camera. I've been taking pictures of my outings with friends--though not many of my actual friends, ironically--so expect TONS of food pictures in the near future, including, but not limited too: cakes, pizza, coffee, and sushi. I also took a bunch of my dogs and of my mom's flowers, which are looking gorgeous right now, especially the roses. I'm going to try to finish off a third roll this weekend with farmers' market pictures, Freeport Bakery pictures, and ones from the Mothers' Day waffle brunch we're going to have!
It's starting to get almost warm enough in Northern California that I will soon be abandoning my tights and forced to regularly shave my legs. I'm not sure if I am sad or not about this fact. I have discovered that, due to drunken accidents and what have you, I have no black nylon tights left that are without at least one hole in them. The pair I have on in this outfit are similarly distressed, if not more so; they have a long run down the front of the right thigh, the crotch seam is in spiderweb-y tatters, and at some point I must have stabbed my finger through the control top on the left side! I've also found that some of my tights have gone missing. I don't know if they inconceivably got left in London, got thrown out (though these were unworn pairs!), or if they're just hiding somewhere, but it's very distressing. On the bright side, I picked up an adorable pair of
Smart Wool tights in a plum colour with chevrons knit into them for only $20!
As always, click to enlarge!

Sunglasses: Marc by Marc Jacobs; Cardigan: Talbots; Shorts, Tights: Primark; Belt, Shoes, & Necklace: H&M; Tank Top: TopShop