I think it's fairly clear that this blog has sadly gone defunct, but I wanted to make an official post so people knew. Unfortunately, I got swamped late last year by finishing my Master's thesis, which included going out of the country for 5 weeks where I had limited access to a camera and very little time to blog. I then had a series of unfortunate (and fortunate) events happen in my personal life that took up a lot of my time, including moving to Seattle, WA. At the same time, Rubie went back to NYU for her final semester of undergrad while working full-time. Hence, this blog got swept under the carpet for the time being and it seems a bit late to dust it off. If you are interested, you can find my blogging online in two other places:
Dressing Myself Is Hard: a Tumblr I created just to post my outfit pictures at, much like this blog but sans commentary. Please feel free to follow it!
Girlrenegade.Blog: My personal aesthetics blog, part of my website, where I post design, fashion, and other pictures and musings.
Again, thank you to all who read and followed this blog while it lasted!