I received an incredible job offer from a Major Internet Company That Isn't Google, and to say I'm excited would be an understatement...I've been listening to the OC theme song on repeat for the last 3 days. This is pretty much my dream job, and I can't believe I get to live so close to the beach!
Of course, I'll miss all of my friends in New York, but lately I've been feeling a little jaded by the city. When I moved to New York three years ago, living here excited and invigorated me. Now, I'm feeling increasingly apathetic toward the big city life. I realize how incredibly cliche that sounds, but it's true. I moved to NYC when I was relatively young and I think I might have grown up a bit too fast-- obviously, I can't change that now and there's no point in feeling regretful. There are so many things I love about living in NYC and in some sense, I can't imagine moving away permanently. But maybe a sunshine-filled 3 month break is exactly what I need to reevaluate everything and get back on track.

The fun part of this story: Britta and I are going to be roadtripping out to Santa Monica from my family's home in Chicago! People are always shocked when I tell them I still own a car, but I could never imagine parting with my beloved Honda Civic. Google Maps clocks the drive at 32 hours, but we plan on meandering our way through the country and spending a few extra days visiting every ridiculous roadside tourist trap in the West. Also, please note how the suggested route goes directly through Las Vegas. Watch out, America!
Side note: I wonder if this means I should change the blog's logo graphic?
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