
Hair By the Year 2010 - 2004

I always enjoy the celebrity versions of these that they do in InStyle or whatever. I was watching The September Issue for my thesis the other day, and Tonne had one of those pages of of Sienna Miller's hair, so I decided to make one of my own! I've changed my hair colour three times this year, but it's all subtle shifts of blonde. I've only ever been a non-blonde once in 2005.

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I also tried to braid my hair across my crown because I'm trying to grow out my fringe the other day, but ALAS it is not in me. Plus my widow's peak makes it look awk. I will never look as cute as Rubie does with hers. Or Lauren Conrad. Since the beginning of the year or so, I've been rolling my bangs back when I want them out of the way and I really like it. I used to always backcomb it into a poof, but I'm sort of over it. I tried an off-center poof for awhile, but I really like it rolled back and I think it will look even cuter as my bangs get longer and I can make it more dramatic.

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Other discoveries: Most of 2006 are only of pictures of my friends and I in clubs, my acne has really improved, and I am MUCH better with my angles and taking my own picture.