That being said, I recently bought a retro-inspired one-piece swimsuit (in a non-retro hot pink) which is surprising because I usually wear really sporty and contemporary bikinis. I've also been contemplating appropriating my black sequined high-waisted hot pants for swim bottoms and getting a black top to go with. And now Beyonce's newest video for her single "Why Don't You Love Me?" has really made me pine for some retro lingerie. Here are some (slightly shoddy) screencaps of the video:

And you should definitely check out the video here to see the clothes in motion and enjoy the saturated ambiance of the video.
If you want to see some more great retro style and/or that sort of Holga-worthy photographic ambiance, take a gander at these blogs & sites:
The Freelancer's Fashion Blog
Beauty Is A Thing of the Past <-- Retro Hairstyle Scans!
Frollenin von Sofa
Tara Starlet / The Tara Starlet Blog
From Besty With Love <-- Specifically this post on lingerie
Super Kawaii Mama
Vixen Vintage
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