
The rumors of my death have been greatly exagerated.

Apologies for the lack of updates! I will try to catch up on all your posts ASAP. I went to wedding over the weekend in Birmingham, Alabama and was without internet. I did take a roll of film with my Holga, which I just sent away to be processed. The prints should be ready on Monday, so expect a bunch of Holga pictures on Tuesday! I sent away four rolls. I am so bad at remembering to get them processed in a timely manner.

Darcy asked how I did the braids in the romper picture, so I thought I'd let you guys know. It's ridiculously easy. Braid your hair into two braids (try to braid as far to the ends as you can) and then pull one up over the crown of your head. Judiciously bobby-pin/hair grip it in place. Repeat with the other braid. I usually try to tuck the ends of the braids under the opposite braid or sort of tuck them into my hair on the top of my head and pin them in place. Hairspray the heck out of it and voila: instant Scandinavian approved hair-do. You can definitely do it with hair shorter than mine as long as your braids reach your part when you pull them up onto the top of your head.

It's been really gross and hot here, so I have been lounging about in shorts and tees. I also acquired an exercise bike from a friend and have been riding it while watching TV which is good for me, but also makes me gross and sweaty and means I don't always feel psyched up post-workout to go get prettified.


It's sort of hard to see, but if you click and look at the large size of that picture, you can see how jacked up my fingernails are right now. I mentioned in the romper post that I got them overlayed with an acrylic overlay because I have some insanely awful fingernails. I have to say: not impressed. The biogels I had before were much better, I think, in part, because they were more flexible and bent with my nail rather than shearing off. After three weeks with the gels on, I only had two messed up fingers, one of which was my own fault because I nicked the nail with a knife in the kitchen and therefor had to trim it back. With these acrylics, I have five messed up nails after two and a half weeks, the first of which occurred less than a week after I got them done. Do not want.

Cardigan, Shorts, Top: Talbots, Shoes, Sunglasses: Nordstrom Brand


Ashley said...

I love Holga cameras, but I always forget to go get the film developed because it's such a pain. I'm looking forward to seeing yours because I absolutely love the effect the camera gives.

Love the colors of your outfit...very nice for summer.

Unknown said...

I love all of the colors in this outfit! So lovely :)

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